Collection: The Problem with NPK Fertilizer

NPK Fertilizers Defined




Definition. a ratio of percentages of the three nutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—that are especially important in a plant fertilizer. A fertilizer’s NPK is given as a series of three numbers, for example, 24–6–6, which means the content is 24 percent nitrogen, 6 percent phosphorus, and 6 percent potassium, so the NPK expressed as a simple ratio is 4:1:1

These are considered essential nutrients for growing plants and trees, this is so true, however, they are only a small part of a tree and plants nutrition. The fertilizer industry has somehow convinced the masses that NPK is all that you need for growing healthy grass, plants, and trees. What many folks do not know is that Plants and trees bring whatever nutrients that are in the soil up into their branches, leaves, and canopy. This whole process is essential to the earth's many processes that not only keep plants alive but also humans, animals, and every other part of life.  It is a perfectly designed process.

Modern farming in the last century has over-utilized these three components to produce larger volumes of crop yields, but in the process, the soil has been stripped of all minerals. The united states has virtually stripped all of its farmland of sustainable nutrients in the soil. Many other countries are starting to realize what damage has happened and are restricting chemical fertilizer usage. 

The scary thing is that NPK nutrients are not always natural, in fact most of them are quite the opposite. NPK can also be derived from chemical waste, sewage, and other toxic by-products. Many of the NPK fertilizers have become a way for big chemical companies to get rid of toxic by products and profit from them instead of having to dispose of them as waste.

Plants like grass will grow like "zombies" if they are fed fake, chemical NPK fertilizers. THis means your lawn can be green and growing, but still have zero usable nutrition in the earth under its roots. While flowers and grass will still survive each season even when being drugged to life with chemical NPK, woody plants and trees will eventually become diseased and decline, many will die or become so unhealthy that they need to be removed. Trees need minerals, minerals are replenished by a living microbiome in the soil, chemical NPK fertilizers kill that microbiome. It's a slow death to these trees.

Add in the use of chemicals like herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides and the damage to trees, animals, and lakes is extreme.



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